Home / Pop Art & Words / Doc Savage Annual To Be Released In May

Doc Savage Annual To Be Released In May

Doc SavageIn addition to the Doc Savage ongoing series , Dynamite is presenting a very special annual in May. The Doc Savage Annual 2014 will come out written by Shannon Eric Denton with art and cover by Roberto Castro.

After the recent loss of a squadmate from the War To End All Wars, Doc will travel to South America to connect with an old love and reassess his place in the world. His sabbatical is anything but relaxing as Doc confronts a mysterious ghost-army, a secret league of scientists and all the dangers of an ancient death-temple but these encounters are nothing compared to what Doc will discover about himself…a truth that will change Doc Savage forever.

“Doc Savage was first,” says writer Shannon Eric Denton. “The king of the superheroes and the archetype from which all others sprang. The legacy of this Man of Bronze runs deep and I’m honored beyond belief to now join its ranks.”

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