Home / Pop Art & Words / Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Down Town Arrives In September

Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Down Town Arrives In September

The Dresden FilesDynamite Entertainment announced the upcoming September 2015 release of Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Down Town hardcover graphic novel, collecting the all-original Dresden Files storyline only ever previously released in a six-issue comic book format. Conceived of by Jim Butcher, co-written by Butcher and Mark Powers (G.I. JoeDrafted), and illustrated by Carlos Gomez (DeadpoolPathfinder), the new volume follows upon the success of New York Times bestselling graphic novels The Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin and The Dresden Files: War Cry. The upcoming release in the official, in-continuity Dresden Files graphic novel series tells the story of titular wizard Harry Dresden’s mystical confrontation with Chicago mobsters.

“This was a fun project, because we got to play with a Dresden that was much closer to the character as he exists in the most recent books,” says Jim Butcher, acclaimed creator of the Dresden Files series and plotter for the Down Town storyline. “We got to see both Mouse and Molly in action, to show Marcone demonstrating why he’s the Baron of Chicago, and to pit Dresden against an archetypical foe of the Wardens of the White Council, a power-maddened warlock. We get to go on an adventure in Undertown, the Stygian labyrinth beneath Chicago, and in general have all the monsters, adventure, and uneasy alliances that are what the readers of The Dresden Files have come to expect from the stories.”

Mark Powers, who worked with Butcher’s original script to tailor it for the comic book medium, says, “Working with Jim, Carlos, Nick and the entire Dynamite crew on Down Town was an absolute blast. When I found out Carlos would be back, after the stellar job he did illustrating War Cry, I could not have been more excited – and if anything, he upped his game for Down Town. It’s an honor and privilege to be associated with Jim and the world he’s created, which is so rich with interesting characters and locales that we could probably do a hundred series without exhausting all the possibilities.”

In Down Town, Chicago wizard-for-hire Harry Dresden and his new apprentice, Molly Carpenter, intend to end the havoc caused by a mad sorcerer – one whose ambitions would have the Windy City streets carved out as his own private kingdom. But when the magical upstart enters into an alliance with the notorious mob boss “Gentleman Johnnie” Marcone, the fast-and-loose Dresden and his young charge must do everything in their power to survive unscathed. With bonus features including Jim Butcher’s original story outline, sketchbook artwork from Carlos Gomez, and a cover gallery with roughs from Stjepan Sejic, Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Down Town hardcover graphic novel will be available in a Regular Edition and a special Signed Limited Edition.

“I loved the way the story came out, and I look forward to creating more graphic novels with Dynamite!” says Butcher.

Jim Butcher is a New York Times bestselling author, whose Dresden Files novel series has sold millions of copies and produced related graphic novels, roleplaying games, and a 2007 Sci-Fi Channel television series. In addition to his Dresden Files series, Butcher has authored the traditional fantasy Codex Alera and steampunk Cinder Spires series.

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