The MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE is back and better than ever! UDON Entertainment is delighted to announce the hardcover release of MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE – UPDATED EDITION! Joining all of the original and classic Mega Man characters, authors David and Nadia Oxford have included all new profiles and information from Mega Man 11, making MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE – UPDATED EDITION the ultimate handbook to the Mega Man universe.

Inside you’ll find profiles of every major Mega Man character, including all the Robot Masters, plus profiles for other important robots like Proto Man, Rush, Roll, Bass, Duo, and more. Covering the complete classic series (Mega Man 1 through 11), plus Mega Man & Bass, The Wily Wars, and all five Mega Man Gameboy games, each profile features classic CAPCOM artwork. MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE – UPDATED EDITION includes quotes, weapons info, and, of course, each Robot Master’s secret weakness!
MEGA MAN: ROBOT MASTER FIELD GUIDE – UPDATED EDITION will be released on March 24, 2020.