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The Walking Dead Will Walk Among Us Tomorrow

The_Walking_DeadIn order to scare up viewers for their new series, AMC will be promoting Frank Darabont’s The Walking Dead with an interesting worldwide publicity stunt this week, according to The Hollywood Reporter’s Live Feed blog.

In 26 major cities all over the world, extras will be dressed as zombies and will be roaming worldwide landmarks like New York’s Brooklyn Bridge, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., and London’s Big Ben.

The zombie infiltration begins at daybreak in Taipei and Hong Kong. The attacks will move around the globe within the 24 hours leading up to the pilot episode’s premiere party in Los Angeles.

The six episode series, The Walking Dead based on the Image Comics series of the same name, debuts on AMC this Halloween, October 31 at 10 p.m. and bows internationally in 120 countries next week.

Let the flesh-eating mayhem begin…

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