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The Ninjettes Arrive At Dynamite

NinjettesSpinning off from the hit series Jennifer Blood, by acclaimed writer Garth (The Boys) Ennis, comes The Ninjettes!  The Ninjettes #1 is written by incoming Jennifer Blood writer Al Ewing (picked by Garth to take over the series), drawn by Eman Casallos, with covers by Admira Wijaya and Johnny Desjardins! But who are the new Ninjettes? How did they come to be dead and/or decapitated? And what kind of brutal insanity is their passing about to unleash? Find out the grim connection between college student Kelly Hara and the ice-cold engine of death known as Varla as the origin of the Ninjettes is revealed! Don’t miss this ultra-violent odyssey of sin, scandal, brutality and branding coming next February with The Ninjettes #1.

“Ninjettes is where I get to look at some of the classic exploitation tropes,” says writer Al Ewing. “Hopefully I will twist them into something that appeals to a broad spectrum of readers, while remaining a rich, raw, red slab of bleeding meat torn straight from the mooing flank of pop culture, given a gun and told to go out and kill! Kill! KILL!”

“Al Ewing is poised to take the American comics market by storm, adds Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt.  “A quiet madman, hiding in plain sight, writing inventive, dark comics fiction. This is the next logical step for the fan-favorite Ninjettes and you won’t want to miss out.”

“I am so proud of Jennifer Blood’s success (and gore),” states Dynamite Entertainment President and Publisher Nick Barrucci.  “I am extremely excited to have Al on board, and for The Ninjettes and Jennifer Blood being his first writing assignments in the United States!  Look for Al’s star to rise in the near future!”

Al Ewing began his career writing stories in the five-page Future Shocks format for 2000AD. Recent work includes Damnation Station and Zombo, illustrated by Henry Flint, which was collected in trade paperback in 2010.  He has also contributed to Solar WindFutureQuakeThe End Is Nigh. Al is responsible for the diary of Ralph Dibny and the mobile comic Murderdrome with P. J. Holden. Current comics projects include regular stints on Judge Dredd and an upcoming six-issue arc onJennifer Blood, a comic published by Dynamite Entertainment.  Al’s debut novel was published in 2007 by Abaddon Books. Pax Britannia: El Sombra features a mysterious Mexican hero fighting back against the menace of steam-powered Nazis.   It is set in the same Steampunk alternate history as the other novels from the Pax Britannia series. Three other novels have been published since, with a fourth on the way.

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