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The Man Of Steel Soups Up Its Cast

Warner Bros. has added cast members to Superman: The Man Of Steel. Adding to the star power of the film are Julia Ormond and Chris Meloni.

Julia Ormond has joined the movie as Superman’s kryptonian mother, Lara. Ormond’s addition completes the lineup of Superman’s parents, both alien and human. Russell Crowe is playing Superman’s Kryptonian father Jor-el, with Kevin Costnerand Diane Lane set to play Jonathan and Martha Kent.

Christopher Meloni, who recently departed Law & Order: Special Victims Unit after 12 seasons, is also signing up for a role in Warner’s Man of Steel — his first after exiting the show.

Meloni has confirmed that he will NOT be playing Lex Luthor as has been speculated. All that he would say is that he is playing “a General.” Sources indicate he will shoot scenes with Henry Cavill, the actor who plays Superman and Clark Kent in the Zack Snyder-directed movie.


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