Home / Pop Art & Words / “The Firefly And His Majesty” Finale Hits In May

“The Firefly And His Majesty” Finale Hits In May

Dynamite Entertainment’s hit series, Battlefields, continues its bold march as it reaches the conclusion of “The Firefly and his Majesty”.  In issue #6, written by Garth Ennis and drawn by Carlos Ezquerra, Sergeant Stiles’ hatred of the Nazis has got him right where he wants to be: sitting behind a high-velocity cannon with a mighty German tank in his sights. But Tigers are never more dangerous than when they’re cornered, and the Panzer crew will be only too happy to take their enemies with them. The cat and mouse battle is fought to the finish, as the second Battlefields arc concludes with a bang.

The Battlefields series began as three self-contained mini-series of three issues each, all of which are set during WWII. The first mini-series, with artist Russell Braun, titled The Night Witches is set on the Eastern front and concerns a women-only Soviet bomber regiment.  The second series, with artist Peter Snejbjerg, titled Dear Billy concerns a British nurse, who had survived rape and execution by Japanese soldiers in Singapore, and her relationship with a decorated flying ace.  The third series, Tankies, with artist Carlos Ezquerra, is about an inexperienced British tank crew of Londoners in a Churchil Tank led by a Geordie veteran as they attempt to catch up with their company, enduring attacks by Nazi Tiger tanks as the Battle of Normandy rages on.  (All these series are now available in trade and hardcover.)  And now the war adventure continues in Battlefields #6 (of 9): The Firefly and his Majesty Part 3 in May!”!

“The last part of ‘The Firefly And His Majesty’ was one I’d been looking forward to writing for a long time,” says writer Garth Ennis. “It’s a real cat-and-mouse story, two experienced and intelligent opponents doing their best to outwit and destroy each other. The climax, as Sergeant Stiles’ Firefly comes face to face with the German King Tiger, can only be described as shattering.”

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