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Stan Lee To Star In “Super Seven”

Stan Lee and Laser Lord of Super SevenFamed comic creator Stan Lee unveiled his newest property, a new print and digital comic book line created in conjunction with Archie Comics and A2 Entertainment. Lee is known as the most successful comic book entertainment producer of all time, having co-created Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, and Iron Man, among many others.

Scheduled for release first is a new, original multimedia series called “Super Seven” to be distributed in print, online, on air and at retail. It’s the story about seven aliens who find themselves stranded on planet Earth after their spaceship crashes, only to be befriended by none other than Lee himself. Taking them under his care, Lee becomes their leader and enables them to resume their lives as superheroes on earth.

“A2 Entertainment is humbled and honored to be collaborating with such a legendary figure in the entertainment industry,” A2 Entertainment Co-Founder and CEO Andy Heyward says. “Stan Lee has been delivering groundbreaking entertainment to consumers for decades and we couldn’t be more excited to venture into the digital space together and introduce him to a new generation of fans.”

“Stan Lee is a global icon. He has single handedly changed modern entertainment. His legendary creations are timeless,” says Archie Comics Co-CEO Jon Goldwater. “Archie Comics is incredibly proud to be working with Stan Lee in publishing ‘Super Seven’.”

“Nothing is more exciting to me, as a writer, than creating a new type of story or introducing a new theme. Although I’ve briefly appeared in other comics, ‘Super Seven’ is the first time that I’ll actually be a continuing character in a far-out, original superhero series,” says POW! Chairman and Founder Stan Lee. “Having been a fan of the Archie Comics line for many decades, it’s a real kick to have this opportunity to help them launch my new, highly-stylized superhero saga which we’ll soon bequeath to a grateful public.”

Gill Champion, POW!’s President and COO says, “Working with Archie Comics and A2 Entertainment provides us with another unique opportunity to further extend the Stan Lee POW! brand internationally through a diverse combination of distribution opportunities.”

Walt Disney Studios entered into a first-look deal with POW! and has a number of projects in development with the company and has also been working closely with the world-renowned Lee.

“Super Seven” is expected to debut in fall 2010 in digital, print and broadcast.

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