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Presenting Moriarty: The Musical

Moriarty: The Dark ChamberAnnounced at the 2012 Image Comics Expo, Daniel Corey is partnering with composerRaymond Schnurr to create a new stage musical based on the Image Comics seriesMORIARTY, written by Daniel Corey and illustrated by Anthony Diecidue.
Currently titled MORIARTY, the stage musical will be loosely based on the first story arc of the MORIARTY series, MORIARTY: THE DARK CHAMBER. Corey will be writing the story while Schnurr – who is also currently scoring We Can Get It For You Wholesale for Neil Gaiman – will be composing the music. Corey and Schnurr will collaborate together on the lyrics. Like the comic, MORIARTY the stage musical will be a very gritty and dark piece with a sense of high adventure. The music will be based in hard rock, and the staging style will be a cousin to shows such as Les Misérables, Sweeny Todd and Phantom of the Opera.
“I am very excited to be collaborating with Ray on the upcoming MORIARTY stage musical,” states creator Daniel Corey. “Ray is very in tune with the sort of storytelling style and sensibility that Anthony and I have worked so hard to convey with this series. This show will be epic in scale, and Ray’s music will bring that extra level of dynamite that will be sure to knock the audience into the abyss where the Professor resides. It will be a dark journey, but an exciting and entertaining one.”
Raymond Schnurr adds, “When I read MORIARTY for the first time, I was riveted. I contacted Daniel immediately and said, ‘Let’s turn this into a kick-ass musical!’ I am excited to work with Daniel and create a musical as intelligent and exhilarating as his comic book series!”

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