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New Spring Hits The New York Times Bestseller List

Tor Books and Dynamite Entertainment announced that Robert Jordan’s New Spring: the graphic novel made the New York Times Graphic Books Paperback Bestseller List for the week of February 6, 2011!

“The power of Robert Jordan’s fan following translates to the comics medium,” says writer Chuck Dixon. “I think his loyal readership will be thrilled to see the world he created visualized in such a rich medium.”

New Spring is the prequel to Robert Jordan’s beloved and bestselling The Wheel of Time® fantasy series published by Tor Books.

The New York Times, writing about The Wheel of Time, said that “Jordan has come to dominate the world Tolkien began to reveal. The battle scenes have the breathless urgency of firsthand experience, and the . . . evil laced into the forces of good, the dangers latent in any promised salvation, the sense of the unavoidable onslaught of unpredictable events bear the marks of American national experience during the last three decades.”

In the last few years before his death, Robert Jordan worked closely with Chuck Dixon and Mike Miller on the graphic adaptation of New Spring. The eight full-color issues of New Spring, released between 2005 and 2010, tell the story of the search for the infant Dragon Reborn and of the adventures of Moiraine Damodred, a young Aes Sedai, and Lan Mandragoran, the uncrowned king of a long-dead nation. Adapted by noted comics writer Chuck Dixon with the full cooperation of Robert Jordan, and illustrated by artists Mike Miller and Harvey Tolibao, New Spring: the graphic novel will delight any of Robert Jordan’s millions of readers.

All eight issues of the New Spring comic book are collected in this single volume graphic novel, which also includes developmental art and correspondence between Jordan and Dixon.

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