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Marvel Starts Screentests to find Captain America

Captain_AmericaMarvel is conducting screen tests this week to find the actor to play Steve Rogers/Captain America in the film The First Avenger: Captain America (working title), according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Captain America is the latest super hero from the Marvel Universe to be getting the big screen treatment.  The film will be directed by Joe Johnston (the Wolfman) and tells the story of a young man who is rejected from enlisting in the armed forces, only to become America’s symbol of liberty during World War II.

The Hollywood Reporter is stating that roughly seven actors have either tested or are going to screen test for the role this week at Marvels’ Manhattan Beach headquarters.
Known to be on the list for the part include John Krasinsky (the Office), Mike Vogel (Cloverfield), Patrick Fluger (of The 4400), Michael Cassidy (who tested for Superman when McG was slated to direct), and Scott Porter (of Friday Night Lights). Chase Crawford (Gossip Girl) is also in talks to test, but no deal has been made.

Sources from the studio say that the tests might not find them the right actor for the part, which was the case for the title role in the film “Thor”, where several rounds of test were done before they found the perfect actor for the role in Chris Hemsworth.

Stay tuned for more details…

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