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Machinist Screenwriter Kosar to Write Vlad

Vlad_the_ImpalerAccording to The Hollywood Reporter, screenwriter Scott Kosar (The Machinist & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake) has been hired to rewrite Summit Entertainments’ Vlad. The original script was written by actor Charlie Hunnam (of the cable TV show Sons of Anarchy) and took an action oriented look at Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for the classic monster Dracula, as the violent young prince. Anthony Mandler (a music video director) has come aboard as director on the project and will mentor Kosar’s work on the screenplay.

There is another Vlad-pre-Dracula film in the works, Dracula: Year Zero, which also follows the historical tale, but takes a supernatural turn. Rumors abound that Sam Worthington might be attached to Year One, so it will be interesting to see who will play Vlad the Impaler in Summit’s version.

Brad Pitt and Dede Gardner are set to produce the film Vlad with their company Plan B.

Glad to know that with these two projects, there seems to be so called life in vampires that don’t sparkle.

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