First came the 4/20 special The Secret History of the War on Weed, then came Scotch McTiernan’s Halloween Party, and now the former Deadpool chums—Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, and Scott Koblish—form Voltron again to bring you Scotch’s holiday bash in, Scotch McTiernan’s Holiday Party. This one-shot story is set to hit shelves in January from Image Comics.
The most powerful Scrooges in the human race are visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future when they try to colonize Mars. All the fun, insanity, and thought-provoking violence of The Secret History Of The War On Weed and Halloween Party are perfected in this third holiday-themed installment. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll buy one to read and one to slab for your descendants.
“‘Sad and funny’ has always been our ‘sweet and sour’ and we’re pouring it on this third installment of our holiday-themed ruminations of the downfall of civilization lensed through ’80s action heroics,” said Duggan. “Thanks for spending your holidays with us this year. Thanks for pre-ordering.”
Koblish added: “This is our third outing with Scotch McTiernan, and drawing him through all of his incarnations has been a blast! Give the gift of this wild and unusual comic to someone you love during the holiday season. Gerry, Brian, and I will make sure the party is well-stocked with Scotch!”
“Man, do I love working with my pals Duggan and Koblish,” said Posehn. “We laugh like dumbasses as we throw our favorite tropes and jokes in a blender, add a little bit of plot, story, character and whatnot. Then Scott runs off and draws the crap out of it. And this book is no different, our third adventure with my new favorite character, Scotch McTiernan. What kind of Holiday antics await you? Well, shove a candy cane in your pie hole, pour hot cocoa on your privates and enjoy!”
Scotch McTiernan’s Holiday Party will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, January 4. It will also be available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.