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Dynamite Exhumes The Living Corpse

In honor of the launch and upcoming release of the next – and newest – The Living Corpse series – Dynamite Entertainment is providing The first issue of the original Living Corpse series to readers for free. In Living Corpse: Exhumed #1 (of 6) shipping in August 2011, it’s hard enough to be The Living Corpse – the flies, the hunger for human brains and the unending task of holding off the hordes of darkness from creeping into the world of the living. But when a Nosferatu suddenly moves into his graveyard, all hell breaks loose! And what will happen when The Living Corpse’s friend, Lilith, get’s caught in the middle? It’s a battle of the undead and only one will be left standing! (here’s a hint… the name of the book ain’t Nosferatu!)

As well as serving as publisher of The Living Corpse comic, Dynamite is also branching out as producers on the brand new Living Corpse CGI animated movie, currently wrapping up production and looking at a 2011 release date from Shoreline Entertainment. Look for The Living Corpse: Exhumed #1 as well as the first trade paperback collecting the first 9 SOLD-OUT issues of the series to arrive in stores this coming August!

“I couldn’t be happier to have found a home with Dynamite,” says Living Corpse co-creator Ken Haeser. “They have a great, growing line of horror-themed comics like Army of Darkness, Vampirella and the Chaos! comic characters. I know we are in great hands with them.”

“Being involved with Dynamite is a dream come true,” says Living Corpse co-creator Buz Hasson. “They’re an A list comic company and I’m honored to have the Living Corpse become a house name for them.”

The Living Corpse follows the adventures of a self aware “zombie” who acts as a “gatekeeper” between the land of the living and the horrors that lie in the shadows. But this isn’t your daddy’s zombie comic.

“It’s a zombie comic in that the main character is a zombie who does eat human brains,” says Haeser. “But our zombie is a good guy… well, as good as a zombie who eats brains can get!”

“The Living Corpse is a movie that we are very proud of, so we are extremely excited that Dynamite Entertainment will be publishing the new books,” said Morris Ruskin, CEO of Shoreline Entertainment and executive producer on the Living Corpse animated film. “Ken Haeser and Buz Hasson are incredible artists and fantastic storytellers whose talents will really shine with Dynamite’s terrific team behind them.”

“Ken and Buz are both great talents who have a dedicated audience, and we hope to create additional awareness and build on their audience. Their comic is really cool, and we’re enjoying working with him on The Living Corpse,” says Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci. “I am so glad that we are able to bring fans the next chapter!”

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