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Dark Horse Donate Digital Comics To Children’s Cancer Association

Dark Horse DigitalDark Horse Comics is turning pages for the Children’s Cancer Association with its digital comics. The entire Dark Horse Digital collection, which features over three thousand comics, will be made available for CCA’s program.

The Children’s Cancer Association partners with six Portland-area health care providers, including Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, and others, to offer programs and services free of charge to seriously ill children, teens, and their families. CCA’s programs and resources can now also be found in thirty-three pediatric hospitals across the nation.

Dark Horse Comics is also donating four Apple iPads to the charity for CCA’s use. These iPads will be loaded with Dark Horse content and will feature an age gate for kids twelve and under.

Dark Horse Digital offers its most popular titles at an unprecedented value, while providing the highest-quality reading experience possible. Through cloud-based technology, comics can be read and enjoyed on a laptop, desktop, mobile browser, and the Dark Horse Bookshelf app, available now on Google Play and iTunes.

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