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Clash Director Interested In Y:The Last Man

Leterrier_Y_The_Last_ManWith Clash of the Titans opening this weekend, word comes from the Latino Review that Clash director Louis Leterrier might take on Brian K. Vaughn’s Y: The Last Man as an upcoming project.

Y: The Last Man follows Yorick Brown and his pet monkey, Ampersand, after the apparent simultaneous death of every other male mammal on Earth and their journey to find answers and a long lost love.

Y: The Last Man has been stuck in  development hell for the last few years.  At one point, it had DJ Caruso attached to direct with Shia LeBeouf starring, but was lost in scheduling issues and script problems. New Line Cinema’s President Chris Brenner is supposedly championing the project now and Leterrier’s interest might push the project forward. Since he directed The Incredible Hulk, he is no stranger to comic book fare, and is also supposedly on the short list to direct Marvel’s The Avengers film. Granted, all this might hinge on how well Clash does at the box office this weekend.

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