From notorious kink writer Tina Horn (Why Are People Into That?! podcast) and featuring a diverse group of artists, comes SfSx (Safe Sex), Vol. 1: Protection, a social thriller about sex, love, and torture. This first volume in the critically acclaimed, ongoing Image Comics series, will collect issues #1-7 into trade paperback this July.

Set in a draconian America where sexuality is strictly bureaucratized and policed, SfSx follows a group of queer sex workers trying to keep the magic alive in an underground club called the Dirty Mind. Using their unique talents for bondage and seduction, they resolve to infiltrate the mysterious government Pleasure Center, free their incarcerated friends, and fight the power!
Best described as Sex Criminals by way of Gilead, Publishers Weekly said of it: “readers with a yen for third-wave feminist fury will find plenty to enjoy in these porn-friendly adventures.”
Fans of Hustlers and Sunstone won’t want to miss out on this hot new series.
SfSx (Safe Sex), Vol. 1: Protection will be available on Wednesday, July 22 and in bookstores on Tuesday, July 28.