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A Gut Wrenching New Story Arc For The Boys

After the immensely popular Origin stories giving readers new insight into fan favorite characters Mother’s Milk, The Frenchman and The Female, “The Boys” is shifting into high gear for this special prologue (issue #39, “What I Know”) into the newest story arc (issues 40-42, “The Innocents”).

Garth Ennis said, “Issue 39 begins with everybody happy. Hughie and Annie are blissfully in love, MM’s enjoying some R&R, Frenchie’s even making some progress with the Female’s more extreme psychotic tendencies, and Butcher’s doing what he likes most: digging up all kinds of awful dirt on people. Twenty-two pages later it’s all starting to unravel, and what everyone thought they knew is overturned in the worst possible way.

“Things are going to get very bad for The Boys, and it all starts here, in What I Know.

I’m really enjoying working with John McCrea on the book; he’s doing some of the finest artwork of his career right now, and he’s nailed the characters- particularly Hughie and Butcher- in a way that I find very gratifying. Those two are a lot trickier to get right than they look.”

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