Two years ago, “The Event” rocked Free Comic Book Day, and emerged as one of the most talked about titles of that first Saturday in May. This was the introduction of the Catalyst Prime Universe, a new seven-title superhero universe built around genuine representation in comics, hinging on a cosmic event distributing powers to characters from all walks of life.
Now, legendary comic book scribe and Catalyst Prime Universe architect Gail Simone unleases Catalyst Prime: Seven Days; a series that will unite the heroes of the CPU for seven issues that count down the days of a week that may be the final one in the history of humanity.
“I love comics, I love superheroes, and this is everything I ever want in superhero comics,” says Gail Simone. “It’s huge stakes, it’s a mind-bending threat that actually makes you wonder how YOU would handle it, it’s noble heroes and terrible villains and weird allies and oh, yes, the sky is on fire. And we have seven days to say goodbye to Earth.”
Simone concludes, “Come on, that’s just exciting. You don’t need to know the Catalyst Prime Universe, you can jump right in. This is our big budget blockbuster, and I couldn’t be happier to be doing this, or prouder of the team I’m doing it with!”
Lorena Payan was the first to realize a meteor was hurtling towards Earth two years ago. Now, she’s the first to realize the Earth is in danger once more from something equally cosmic but far more sinister. As a mystery figure dubbed, the Obsidian Men, begin appearing silently all over the globe our heroes Noble, Summit, and Accell join together to investigate, kicking off this seven-issue series.
“As someone who’s been a part of the Catalyst Prime Universe since it was launched, it’s been something special to see the line grow, develop, and change as it has,” says Catalyst Prime editor, Desiree Rodriguez. “To be a part of the development of Seven Days, the event everything has been building to these last couple years, is a real special experience.”
Catalyst Prime: Seven Days is written by Gail Simone, with art by José Luís (Teen Titans) and arrives in comic book shops everywhere in July.