More than 35 years ago, Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider marched into the United States Senate’s Committee on Commerce in a jean jacket and tank top to confront a band of concerned Washington housewives hellbent on silencing the howl of metal and beyond. Co-founded by Tipper Gore, a committee of politicians’ spouses labeling themselves the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) had lobbied to plaster “Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics” labels on any music that conformed to their definition of sexual, violent, or drug-endorsing. Partnering with Z2 Comics, Snider’s war to preserve the first amendment will be immortalized in He’s Not Gonna Take It, a graphic novel charting the rocker’s passionate battle against censorship alongside writer Frank Marraffino (Marvel Zombies) and artist Steve Kurth (Avengers, X-Force).
The following journey would forever forge the name Dee Snider alongside the battle for freedom of expression—in the arts and beyond. This new graphic novel charts that one-man war throughout Dee’s life. From a childhood where he was frequently silenced, through the early efforts to stifle his band’s music, to the open warfare of the PMRC hearings in Washington DC, and his current efforts on social media, He’s Not Gonna Take It tells the story of why free speech is so important to this man who has perpetually fought for it—even when it endangered everything that was important to him.
“When I look back on that historic day, I think, ‘How did I fit balls that big into those skin tight jeans!?’” Snider recounts. “Then I reflect on the fact that I still stand for everything I stood for all those years ago…and I’m ready to do battle again.”
“Unless you grew up during the PMRC hearings, I don’t think you can really understand what a massive impact it had as teenagers watched Dee testify before congress about the importance of freedom of speech,” editor Rantz Hoseley explains. “Metal and rock preached rebellion and fighting back in the song lyrics, but here was the only frontman who was walking the walk. In a world where you thought that adults said one thing and did another, it was the moment where you could believe… Yes, there are people out there who will fight for what is right, against all odds, no matter what the cost. It’s a story that is more vital today than ever.”
Dee Snider was ranked as one of the top 100 metal vocalists of all time by the magazine Hit Parader. His 1984 album with Twisted Sister, Stay Hungry, sold 3 million copies in the United States and around 8 million copies worldwide, with lead single “We’re Not Gonna Take It” eliciting ire from the PMRC. Snider would go on to co-found the ‘90s metal band Widowmaker before writing and starring in the cult horror film Strangeland in 1998. Snider has been the host of The House of Hair radio show since 1997, curating heavy metal, glam, and hard rock primarily rooted in the ‘80s and ‘90s and syndicated over 200 markets.
Z2 Comics and Dee Snider present He’s Not Gonna Take It in both softcover and hardcover formats, as well as oversized hardcover deluxe, and an oversized hardcover deluxe hand-signed edition. Erik Rodriguez and Josh Bernstein provide cover art. Deluxe editions include retro-comic art prints from Roy Burdine, Javier Aranda, and Carlos Olivares, as well as a Dee Snider commemorative coin.