“Working on Shaft, one of the most iconic characters in pop culture, is a dream come true,” says David F. Walker. “I’ve been a fan of the character since I was a kid, and especially love him in his original iteration, as created by author Ernest Tidyman. My take on Shaft is steeped in Tidyman’s work, and builds on the world created in the original novels. I’m exploring who he is as a man, as a private detective, and as a cold-blooded killer. This John Shaft is much grittier, more badass, with a complexity never seen in the films. The name may be familiar, and some aspects of the character may be recognizable, but at the end of the day, he will be something new and exciting – especially in the world of comics. This is Shaftthe way Shaft was meant to be.”
Bilquis Evely is a rising star on Dynamite’s roster of talented artists. Recently she worked alongside writer Chris Roberson on the critically acclaimed Doc Savageminiseries. Her other works include The Shadow / Green Hornet: Dark Nightscrossover event with writer Michael Uslan, The Shadow Annual #1, and Miss Fury. Evely’s experience with Dynamite’s pulp heroes has made her the perfect fit for the mean streets of 1970’s New York City in Shaft.
“The response by the media and fans over the announcement of a Shaft comic book series was nothing short of electric,” says Nick Barrucci, Publisher and CEO of Dynamite Entertainment. “Frankly, there’s no one better suited to take the reins on this project than David F. Walker, whose vast knowledge of and appreciation for the genre have been welcome and invaluable in our launch of the Shaft series. Combining his energetic take on this superbad private detective with Bliquis Evely’s impressive artistic skills, we have all the makings of an explosive comic for Shaft fans to love.”