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Vampirella Takes On The Lord Of The Vampires

Vampirella’s pursuit of Dracula has revealed a cult of vampires, worshippers of an ancient evil, one so vast and terrible that even the Lord of the Vampires respects – and perhaps fears – it. As the world stands between eternal chaos and an endless army of blood-drinking horrors, Vampirella, plagued with nightmare visions of her past and of possible future, may finally have met her match. Make sure you let your local retailer know to reserve a copy so that you can be ensured a copy of Vampirella #4 this February.

“At this point, I’m really hoping to push the action and general weirdness to new heights,” says writer Eric Trautmann. “Not only do we see Vampirella face-to-face with Dracula, at last, but we also get to see a huge battle — guns blazing, hearts being staked, faces being kicked, and as much blood and thunder as I can pack into 22 pages. That’s been a large part of the fun: crafting something so vile and nasty that even Dracula is worried about it.”

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