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Tonner Reveals Dark Phoenix San Diego Exclusive

Dark Phoenix, Marvel’s iconic dark incarnation of Jean Grey/Phoenix, will be Tonner Doll Company’s highly-anticipated 2011 San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive, with a very limited edition size of only 150 pieces.

Dark Phoenix will be exclusively available at the 2011 SDCC, taking place July 21-24 at the San Diego Convention Center.  Tonner Doll will be located at booth 4149, and collectors and fans alike can visit, parlay, and shop.  For more information about SDCC, please visit http://www.comic-con.org/cci/.

“As always, I’m very excited for SDCC,” says Robert Tonner, CEO and doll artist. “I’m really into pop culture, and this is THE pop culture show to go to,” elaborates Tonner.  “It’s great to be a part of it, and we think that SDCC is just the place for theDark Phoenix debut.”

Marvel collectors are in for a real treat with this year’s SDCC exclusive, and are anxiously awaiting the reveal of Tonner’s third Marvel masterpiece.  Steve Rogers – Super Soldier, Tonner’s Captain America figure and debut Marvel character, premiered at the Tonner Convention in May, and promptly sold out.

“I’m delighted to be working with Marvel,” elates Tonner.  “Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been into comic books, and read them religiously,” Tonner explains.  “For me, they were magical.  There was good and evil, and it was all very simple.  Bringing some of my heroes to life is truly an honor.”

Dark Phoenix was essentially born out of Marvel’s Jean Grey character.  With an insatiable hunger, Dark Phoenix consumed the energy of the D’Bari star, killing billions of aliens.  As punishment, Shi’ar Empress Lilandra wanted to execute Jean Grey, now in control of her mind again.  A battle ensued with the X-Men, but Dark Phoenix surfaced again after seeing Jean’s love Cyclops wounded by a stray energy bolt.  Struggling to gain control, Jean knew what she had to do.  With a heart-wrenching good-bye to Cyclops, Jean disintegrated herself to atone for Dark Phoenix’s crimes and to protect the universe.

Jean Grey’s struggle with the Phoenix Force is a recurring theme across a multitude of X-Men titles.  She teeters on the edge of control over her surmounting powers, and has become victim to the turmoil on more than one occasion.  At the end of the day, what’s more important:  power or control?

“I found the inner conflict inside of Jean Grey captivating, and so naturally, her evil counterpart Dark Phoenix was high on my list of Marvel characters to make,” said Tonner.

In keeping with the fine detail and quality of Tonner’s other product lines, Dark Phoenix will boast hand-painted facial details, including mesmerizing mirrored eyes and fine quality variegated, rooted saran hair.  She features a recently enhanced 16″ high-quality vinyl and hard plastic body with 13-points-of-articulation for dynamic poses.  Dark Phoenix’s meticulously crafted costume consists of a searing red bodysuit with metallic “Phoenix” emblem and attached gloves, thigh-high faux leather boots, and matching gold sash with a “Phoenix” charm.  A display stand is also included.

Tonner Doll Company, known for its unique ¼ scale figures and high-quality reproductions, will offer more Marvel characters that are approximately 16″-17″ tall, with multiple articulated joints for expressive movement and mobility.  In the wide world of collectibles, the ¼ scale is highly sought after for its unmatched distinction and posing ability.

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