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The Dominatrix Has You In The Third Chapter of Saints Row

Saints RowThe real world may be a lie, and you’ll have to find out the truth in Saints Row: The Third – Enter The Dominatrix, the groundbreaking standalone expansion to Saints Row: The Third. No longer an April Fool’s dream, the outrageous game concept will be reality this fall.

Slated for release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, for a suggested retail price of $29.99, Saints Row: The Third – Enter The Dominatrix takes the award-winning, over-the-top action of Saints Row: The Third and adds the most requested gameplay features from the Saints Row community: freaking super powers.

“Faster than a speeding cyber jetbike, more powerful than a roided-out Luchadore, able to leap flying aircraft carriers in a single bound… That’s the power you’ll find inside the Dominatrix. Use it for good. Use it for evil. Use it for whatever you want. As always in Saints Row, it’s up to you,” said Danny Bilson, Executive Vice President, Core Game Production, THQ Inc. “With a franchise with more than 11 million units shipped globally, it’s incredibly gratifying to have the flexibility to give Saints Row fans the features they want most.”

He later added, “Freaking super powers.”

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