Robotech is a sweeping science-fiction anime epic in which humans use a vast arsenal of transforming robotic mecha to defend the Earth against alien domination. The franchise has captivated fans for over 30 years, and is widely credited with popularizing anime around the world. Now, UDON Entertainment has teamed up with Harmony Gold to produce ROBOTECH VISUAL ARCHIVE: THE MACROSS SAGA – the ultimate collection of artwork assembled from Robotech’s first and most iconic era.
This 248-page hardcover tome gathers classic mecha designs, dynamic character artwork, early roughs, key art, storyboards, character profiles, and more. Mecha designs are accompanied by detailed tech specs and armament info, as well as text write ups. Additional material in the book includes a complete episode guide, an interview with Macross chief director Noboru Ishiguro, and a unique essay by Robotech producer Carl Macek on the development of the Robotech property and its place in anime history.
This book will be the first in a series of Robotech art books, with future volumes covering The Masters and The New Generation eras, as well as new material created to expand the Robotech universe for international audiences. ROBOTECH VISUAL ARCHIVE: THE MACROSS SAGA arrives in stores everywhere December 2017.