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New Spider-man Film Gets Title

After months of speculation, Columbia Pictures finally has the name of the next Spider-man film. The next film of the franchise will be called (wait for it): The Amazing Spider-man.

The title of the film shows the studio’s intent of bringing the character of spider-man back to his roots.  The Amazing Spider-man was the title of the original 1963 comic book that brought us the iconic web-slinging hero, which was brought to life by Stan lee and Steve Ditko.

Although not much is known about the latest Spider-man film, we do know that this latest film will follow a teen-aged Peter Parker in high school.

With the announcement of the title, Columbia Pictures released the first official image of Andrew Garfield as Spider-man (see below article for a larger version of the photo).

Along with Garfield, the cast includes Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott Martin Sheen and Sally Field.  Director Marc Webb is filming this latest production in 3D from a script by James Vanderbuilt, Alvin Sargent and Steve Kloves.

As reported here earlier, The Amazing Spider-man will be released into theaters July 3, 2012 in 3D.

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