Home / Pop Art & Words / Monsters! & Other Stories By Gustavo Duarte Coming From Dark Horse

Monsters! & Other Stories By Gustavo Duarte Coming From Dark Horse

MonstersDark Horse continues to expand its Originals line, offering some of the most unique comic book storytelling experiences on the market today. Next up, Gustavo Duarte spins wordless tales brimming with humor, charm, and delightfully twisted horror in his American graphic novel debut Monsters! & Other Stories.

Oversized beasts, in the short story “Monsters!,” wreak havoc on civilians and cities in the tradition of Godzilla and King Kong. In “Có!,” an alien abduction disarms a gentle farmer, and in “Birds,” two business partners run from fate, only to find themselves hopelessly unable to change the future.

Beautiful illustration and evocative storytelling fill every page of this unforgettable collection that brings together Duarte’s works, which were previously only available in his native country of Brazil.

“It is a joy and an honor to have my first book published in the USA by Dark Horse,” said Gustavo Duarte. “It’s really cool to have Monsters! published by the company that has produced the work of so many guys I admire, like Mike Mignola and Eric Powell, among others. I hope this is the first of many.”

Duarte’s Monsters! & Other Stories arrives in finer comic shops everywhere on January 15, 2014, and will carry a cover price of only $12.99 for 152 beautifully illustrated pages!


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