Dynamite is honored to announce the first ever professional contribution of all-star artist Jim Starlin to the Warlord of Mars mythos with an exciting new limited edition variant cover featuring Dejah Thoris. Plus, Dynamite is also offering a limited edition trading card set celebrating the 40th anniversary of Starlin’s signature Dreadstar, and more celebrating 50 years total in Starlin’s incredible career. The premium collectible comic book and trading cards are available now on Indiegogo.
Jim Starlin has himself built much of the “cosmic” genre as fans know it in comic books, reinventing and creating countless sci-fi characters at Marvel, DC Comics, and others through an extensive and incredibly successful career. Including creating the likes of Thanos, the Infinity Gauntlet, and more inspirations for Avengers: Endgame and more. Yet to date he has never officially drawn the likes of Dejah Thoris, John Carter and the world of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom. Now Dynamite is helping Starlin and fans bring this fantasy pairing to life.
“I read John Carter as a kid and dreamt of battling four-armed aliens and rescuing beautiful Martian maidens,” said Jim Starlin. “Guess this is as close as I am going to come to realizing those fantasies, aided and abetted by the lovely and talented Jaime Jameson.”
The limited variant cover is available with or without logo trade dress, as a color-free inked version, and with signed and sketched editions for collectors. Copies are also available slabbed and graded with CGC, as well as combo packs for the best deals and exclusives. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reserve this historic comic!
Starlin’s Dreadstar broke out in 1982 and now Dynamite is celebrating 40 years of Starlin’s fan-favorite cosmic franchise. To celebrate each year of its existence and influence, Dynamite is producing a set of 40 cards featuring different characters and moments from the series.
Dynamite and sister company Dynamic Forces are also able to offer signed classic key issues from Starlin’s career with Marvel and other projects, pulled directly from his personal file copies. As well as one-of-one pieces of original art from his archives. Specifically highlights include Strange Tales #178 and #179, early innovative standouts starring Adam Warlock, soon to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. These 45 year old issues also feature first appearances such as the introduction of Pip the Troll, recently appearing in the Eternals film voiced by Patton Oswalt. Also available are issues of Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu, Warlock and the Infinity Watch, Batman: The Cult, Death of the New Gods, and the historic Death of Captain Marvel original graphic novel. Original art pages are from 2006’s sci-fi story Mystery in Space, featuring the characters Captain Comet and Starlin’s creation The Weird.
Across 50 years in the business of writing, drawing, and creating comic books and characters, Jim Starlin has asserted himself as one of the most visionary minds of the medium. Though his overall bibliography is diverse including titles like Batman, Doctor Strange, and Shang-Chi, his most celebrated sagas are in the space opera vein.
Starting in the 1970s, Starlin revamped Marvel’s Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock, including the introduction of defining characters like Drax, Gamora, and of course the complicated Thanos. The following decade he brought some of the same burst of energy to Superman, before penning the acclaimed and heartfelt Death of Captain Marvel. Spinning out of a stint on Silver Surfer, the early 1990s were dominated by his “Infinity Trilogy” of massive crossover events which further built the foundation of the billion dollar-grossing films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Over the years he has returned to Thanos, as not only his creator, but the definitive guide of the character’s tales over four decades.
Meanwhile he began to build up his personal independently owned cosmic oeuvre with his fan-favorite title Dreadstar and others like ‘Breed. Dreadstar has recently returned with high quality comprehensive reprints and new stories via crowdfunding.