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Homefront Goes Gold

THQ announced that Homefront, the latest FPS from Kaos Studios, has passed the gold master stage of development and entered manufacturing. A multiple award winner at E3 2010, Homefront has captured the imagination of the gaming public, and has proved to be one of the most anticipated releases of 2011 as the scheduled March 15th release date nears.

2027. A once proud America has fallen, her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray. Crippled by a devastating EMP strike the USA is powerless to resist the ever expanding occupation of a savage, nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic.

Abandoned by her former allies, the United States is a bleak landscape of walled towns and abandoned suburbs. This is a police state where high school stadiums have become detention centers, and shopping malls shelter armored attack vehicles. A once-free people are now prisoners… or collaborators… or revolutionaries.

Join the Resistance, stand united and fight for freedom against an overwhelming military force in Homefront’s gripping single player campaign penned by John Milius (Apocalypse Now, Red Dawn). Stand alongside a cast of memorable characters as an emotional plot unfolds in this terrifyingly plausible near-future world. Experience visceral, cinematic first person shooter action as you fight your way across Occupied USA using guerrilla tactics, and commandeer military vehicles and advanced drone technology to defeat the enemy.

Multiplayer brings epic warfare to the online arena as infantry, tanks, attack helicopters and combat drones battle across huge, open battlefields. A rich feature set offering layers of tactical depth combined with game-changing innovations like Battle Points and Battle Commander set a new benchmark in online warfare.

“Homefront is set to become one of THQ’s most successful original IP launches,” said Danny Bilson, EVP Core Games, THQ. “The team at Kaos have spent three years building an FPS that competes with the very best, offering a thrilling and original single player experience and hundreds of hours of multiplayer.”

In advance of release, THQ is preparing hundreds of dedicated servers in multiple locations across the globe to support Homefront’s epic multiplayer mode.

“We’re providing dedicated servers for both console and PC versions of the game,” said Drew Como, Director of Infrastructure, THQ. “Dedicated servers allow us to support 32-players on large maps with infantry, vehicles and drones, and level the playing field compared to titles that rely on user-hosted games. We know how important this is to the FPS community, and we’re looking forward to seeing their reaction on March 15th.”

Homefront is scheduled for release on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Windows PC on March 15 2011 in North America and Continental Europe, March 17 in Australia, and March 18 in the UK.

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