Home / Pop Art & Words / Dark Horse Presents: John Arcudi’s The Creep

Dark Horse Presents: John Arcudi’s The Creep

The CreepWith another incredible addition to the increasingly impressive lineup, Dark Horse Comics will publish John Arcudi’s three-part suicide mystery, The Creep, beginning in Dark Horse Presents #11.

In the summer of 1987, a young teenage boy commits suicide. The boy’s mother is unsatisfied with the police’s lack of interest in the motivation behind it, or what connection it might have to the suicide of the boy’s former best friend. She remembers that she heard an old college boyfriend of hers, Oxel, is a private detective. What she doesn’t know is Oxel suffers from a debilitating condition called acromegaly. Will the contact from his old flame be all that Oxel needs to take the case?

“Murder mysteries are common in suspense fiction, but you don’t hear much about suicide mysteries. Oxel starts to wonder if maybe he was hired to help this woman solve the riddle of her life more than that of her son’s death. But then, in the end, it turns out that this really is a suicide mystery, after all. And add to all that the additional layer of this ex-girlfriend knowing nothing about Oxel’s disfiguring illness, since she hasn’t seen him in 20 years,” Arcudi says. “And after seeing Jonathan’s Dear Creature, it struck me that he was perfect for The Creep and we were lucky to get him.”

“I’m very pleased to be working with Dark Horse again and a comics vet like John. We’re just getting into the swing of things, but I already have a lot of interesting material to draw. Since I’ll be coloring The Creep, it’s also a good chance to stretch myself artistically (most of my comics have been straight black and white). The fact that I get to do that in service of a good writer is icing on the cake,” said Jonathan Case.

Dark Horse Presents #11 is on sale April 18th, 2012.

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