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Dark Horse Debuts Blood Brothers

Blood BrothersDark Horse Comics announces Blood Brothers, a new miniseries by writers Mike Gagerman and Andrew Waller that takes friendship to an entirely new level. The comic has already found friends at MGM, where it is also being developed as a major motion picture.

With interiors by Evan Shaner (Buddy CopsEerieGreen Hornet Year One) and covers by Juan Doe (Legion of MonstersIron Man Legacy), this vampire buddy action series is sure to be the talk of the summer at local comic shops.

“Our goal with Blood Brothers was to create a comic with the feel of a classic buddy action comedy, like Lethal Weapon or Rush Hour, but with two vampires as the heroes,” said Andrew Waller. “It’s really a story about two regular guys, who just happen to be vampires. They’ve treated the last millennium like a thousand-year bender, but now find themselves having to save humanity just to keep the party going.”

More about Blood Brothers: Nick and Tree have seen everything together. They’ve smoked opium with Genghis Khan, had orgies in Michelangelo’s studio, even fronted a death metal band in the seventies. But after a millennium of friendship, these inseparable, immortal buddies are on the verge of going their separate ways. Terrible timing, as an apocalypse-obsessed vampire villain is plotting an end to humanity, and Nick and Tree are the only ones standing in his way. Can they put their baggage aside long enough to save the world?

Mike Gagerman and Andrew Waller are writers who have been friends for twenty-five years. Their Black List screenplay Search Party, about two best friends who set off on a road trip to save their roommate, who is lost and naked on a road in Mexico, is shooting this summer for Universal.

Blood Brothers #1 is on sale July 17, 2013.

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