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Crysis Hits Consoles

Crysis 2Electronic Arts and Crytek GmbH, announced that the critically-acclaimed, single-player campaign from the PC hit Crysis® is now available for purchase on PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Games on Demand. Gamers can now play with improved Nanosuit gamepad controls and fine-tuned combat as they take full advantage of CryENGINE 3’s visual optimizations in this thrilling downloadable version of Crysis for consoles, which also has full stereoscopic 3D support.

“We’re really excited to bring the legendary Crysis to gamers who weren’t able to experience it the first time around,” said Cevat Yerli, Chief Executive Officer of Crytek. “The CryENGINE 3 has allowed us to remaster the single-player campaign and make significant advancements to the gameplay. We’ve added a new lighting system, some advanced rendering techniques and most importantly, we’ve optimized the Nanosuit controls to utilize its full potential on a gamepad. We really hope that gamers will enjoy playing the game as much as we’ve enjoyed developing it.”

In 2007, critics around the world hailed Crysis as the PC game that ushered in the next-generation of gaming with jaw-dropping visuals, industry leading technology and groundbreaking sandbox gameplay, featuring the super-powerful Nanosuit. Today, gamers will have the chance to utilize the Nanosuit as they fast forward to 2019 where a team of US scientists make a frightening discovery on an island in the South China Sea. All contact with the team is lost when the North Korean Government quickly seals off the area. The United States responds by dispatching an elite team of Delta Force Operators to recon the situation. As tension rises between the two nations, a massive alien ship reveals itself in the middle of the island. Now with hope rapidly fading, the US and North Koreans must join forces to battle the alien menace, fighting epic battles through stunning, photorealistic tropical jungles and frozen landscapes.

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