Home / Pop Art & Words / Cates And Rahal Team Up For ‘Paybacks’

Cates And Rahal Team Up For ‘Paybacks’

PaybacksSpinning out of the pages of Buzzkill comes The Paybacks—a wildly entertaining ongoing series from Buzzkill co-creators Donny Cates and Eliot Rahal (Hunter Quaid).

With Geof Shaw returning for art duties and Lauren Affe on colors, The Paybacks takes on hard issues with humor and will keep you coming back for more!

Having trouble paying off your superhero loan? Behind on payments for your invisible jet or suit of armor? Have no fear! Our skilled repossession team, the Paybacks, will help you transition into a new life of service to pay off your superdebt! That is, if you survive the experience…

The Paybacks is set to debut in September 2015, from Dark Horse Comics.

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