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Axe Cop Runs For President

Axe CopMad-scientist brotherly duo Ethan and Malachai Nicolle are back with Axe Cop: President of the World. This brand-new, print-exclusive story written by eight-year-old Malachai Nicolle and drawn by his older brother Ethan Nicolle promises to be as wild as the last series. Upon its debut as a webcomic in December of 2009, Axe Cop was instantly hailed by the entertainment press as a hit.

“The new Axe Cop miniseries President of the World is a follow-up to Bad Guy Earth. It picks up right where Bad Guy Earth leaves off, when Axe Cop is made the president of all presidents,” said Ethan.

Axe Cop has been appointed president of the whole world! But what will Axe Cop and his friends do in a world with no bad guys? Look to defeat the bad guys from outer space, of course! Axe Cop is commander in chief of hilarious adventures as only a kid could imagine.

“This miniseries, much like Bad Guy Earth, was created during a monthlong visit with Malachai. It includes a lot of new characters, good and bad. It’s apocalyptic and charming just like a good Axe Cop comic should be. Obviously, way back when we wrote Bad Guy Earth we did not plan for an Axe Cop comic about his presidency to come out right in the middle of the elections, but that is what happened. Perfect timing,” Ethan explained. “I think anyone who loves Axe Cop will love this one. I really tried to make it a continuation from the last miniseries and not a ‘sequel’ that tries to top the last one. Malachai and I had a blast making it.”

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