Home / Pop Art & Words / Analysis: Warner Bros. Batman V. Superman Move

Analysis: Warner Bros. Batman V. Superman Move

Batman V Superman: Dawn of JusticeIn order to avoid a direct confrontation with Captain America 3Zack Snyder‘s Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is moving up from May 6, 2016, to March 25, the beginning of Easter weekend. While the move away from Captain America 3 was expected, the choice of date Warner moved the movie to provides some interesting insight into what to expect from the film.

Generally when a studio expects, or hopes, that the movie will be a blockbuster it is scheduled either between May and August or between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If a film is expected to be an Oscar nominee, it is released in October. If a film is expected to flop, it is released in January. The March release indicates that the studio has very low expectations for the film, but feel enough fans will see it regardless of its quality so as not to be a financial embarassment.

Warner Bros. doesn’t want to admit defeat in its war with Marvel/Disney. To save face, Warner announced dates for nine superhero films which have yet to be announced. The new dates are Aug. 8, 2016; June 23, 2017; Nov. 17, 2017; March 23, 2018; July 27, 2018; April 5, 2019; June 14, 2019; April 3, 2020; and June 19, 2020. The batch of films is likely to include multiple Justice League titles and a Wonder Woman spinoff. However, based on the track records of the two studios, if Marvel schedules a film near these dates, Warner will move again.

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