Home / Pop Art & Words / *UPDATE* Actress in Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark Suffers Injury

*UPDATE* Actress in Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark Suffers Injury

Spider-Man_MusicalActress Natalie Mendoza, who plays the role of Arachne in Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, has suffered a concussion, according to multiple sources.

Mendoza had to bow out of performances as of December 2, with her understudy, America Olivo replacing her.

This is not the first injury to be reported during the show’s already troubled past.  Two actors were seriously injured during rehearsals of flying sequences, with one actor breaking both wrists and another breaking both his feet.

A spokesperson for the show has not confirmed whether or not the concussion was suffered during a performance or rehearsal, but has stated that Mendoza will be out through at the very least, this weekend’s performances.  When (or more probably IF) the information behind Mendoza’s concussion becomes available, we will report  on it here… stay tuned.

*UPDATE* Broadway World has confirmed that Mendoza was injured during Spider-Man’s first preview.  She was hit by a rope and the extent of injury wasn’t fully realized until later on in the week. An official statement from the show’s producers with hopefully more information is supposedly on its sway.   Broadway World has also confirmed that Actor’s Equity is aware of the situation and has confirmed that they are looking into the matter.

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