Home / Pop Play / ‘Project HONOR’ Initiative to Benefit the Families of Fallen Special Operations Warriors

‘Project HONOR’ Initiative to Benefit the Families of Fallen Special Operations Warriors

Medal of HonorElectronic Arts announced the launch of  ‘Project HONOR’, a program dedicated to raising awareness and generating charitable contributions for fallen warriors from the Special Operations Community in honor of the sacrifices they and their families have made for their country. Through unique partnerships program with EA for Medal of Honor™ Warfighter, elite weapon and gear manufacturers who equip the Special Operations Community including Kaenon, London Bridge Trading, Magpul, SureFire, Mechanix Wear and others will donate to the Navy SEAL Foundation and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation for the benefit of Project HONOR. These esteemed weapon and gear manufacturers will also have their products featured in the game to help deliver the most authentic videogame warfare experience this holiday season. In addition to this, select partners have signed up to create and sell exclusive Medal of Honor themed merchandise and donate 100% of the proceeds of their sales to the Navy SEAL Foundation, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and other charities. London Bridge Trading Company is leading the way with an entire line of gear showcasing an exclusive Project HONOR camouflage pattern.

Danger Close™ Games also announced today Medal of Honor Warfighter Military Edition, made exclusively for active, reserve and former U.S. military. In a unique partnership with GovX, Inc., the largest online shopping destination exclusively serving verified military, law enforcement and related government personnel and their families, the Medal of Honor Warfighter Military Edition includes the Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition as well as exclusive in-game unlocks, including use of the Project HONOR camouflage pattern. For more information, please visit www.govx.com/mohw.

“We have a tremendous amount of respect for our service men and women around the world and a deep level of gratitude for the sacrifices both they and their families make on a daily basis,” said Greg Goodrich, Executive Producer of Medal of Honor. “We’ve teamed up with some of the biggest military brands to deliver an authentic experience in Medal of Honor Warfighter. We’re excited to work with these great partners to also launch Project HONOR to raise awareness for the Navy SEAL Foundation and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and drive real world contributions of which we can be proud.”

“This partnership with EA and Medal of Honor will raise awareness on the work we do to help the families of fallen Special Operations warriors and facilitate contributions that help provide college scholarships for surviving children and financial assistance to families of severely wounded special operations warriors,” said John T. Carney, Jr., Special Operations Warrior Foundation President. “This is a great way to give back to some of our country’s greatest warriors.”

“Our mission is to provide immediate and ongoing support and assistance to the Naval Special Warfare community and their families,” said Jim Smith, Executive Director of the Navy SEAL Foundation. “We are excited to be working with EA and Medal of Honor on this fantastic program that will ultimately benefit the lives of our service men and women and their families.”

For more information about Project HONOR, visit www.medalofhonor.com/projectHONOR. For more information on the partner foundations, please visit the Navy SEAL Foundation at www.navySEALfoundation.org and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation at www.specialops.org.

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