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Dynamite Presents Hack/Slash – Eva Crossover

Dynamite Entertainment announced that Tim Seeley’s most famous creation, Hack/Slash, will be crossing-over with Eva, the daughter of Dracula, in May 2011 at Dynamite Entertainment in a four-issue mini-series, with covers by Tim Seeley himself!

“I’m excited for the opportunity to see what Brandon Jerwa and the people at Dynamite have in store for Cassie and Vlad as she goes head to head with their monster fighting hottie,” says Hack/Slash creator Tim Seeley.  “I am very protective of my creations, but when approached by Dynamite with this idea, it seemed like a natural fit to have a cross-over with Eva.”

“Now THIS is exciting. Tim and I came up in comics together with a healthy run on G.I. Joe, then both spun off into our own careers after that,” says writer Brandon Jerwa. “It’s been too long since we’ve worked together in any capacity. Now, he’s trusting me with Hack/Slash – his rude, sexy, violent baby – and Dynamite is giving me a chance to bring Eva, Daughter of the Dragon back to comics as well. I’m pretty sure they just got tired of hearing me ask “what about Eva?!” once a month for the last couple of years. This crossover is fun for all the right reasons, and I’m definitely enjoying the chance to cut loose (get it?) in the world of slasher-slayers and monster-hunters. This ride’s gonna be loud and bloody, and no safety gear will be issued.”

“I have always had an incredible admiration for Brandon Jerwa’s writing,” says Dynamite President and Publisher Nick Barrucci.  “We are fortunate to have such a tight relationship with Tim Seeley that he is allowing a cross-over with us on Hack/Slash.”

“Brandon [Jerwa] last wrote Eva in the “Daughter of the Dragon” one-shot (well worth seeking out if you haven’t read it),” says Dynamite Editor Joe Rybandt. “We’re raising the stakes here on all fronts with the Hack/Slash cross-over, amping up the violence and mayhem and showing a true dichotomy across character types, with Eva and Cassie standing at opposite ends of the spectrum.”

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